Presentando DTD En Espanol!

At Doulaing The Doula we are continuing our quiet revolution of the doula training industry. From the beginning we planned to be a bilingual organization, offering the highest standards in evidence-based, trauma-informed doula education. In the first two months of the idea, we consulted with our community partners, the doulas[...]

August 14, 2024|
What To Do When The Baby Is Born With A Birth Defect

How To Doula Better Series -  Some kinds of congenital anomalies are obvious such as a cleft lip or cleft palate. Other developmental differences may be more subtle, such as Down’s Syndrome or an orthopedic disorder. For example, my own parents didn't know of my own congenital disorder until after[...]

January 30, 2024|
Can I Be A Doula If I’ve Never Had A Baby?

Many people are attracted to birth and supporting others through this intense and life changing period of life. Being a doula means having a caring heart and a willing pair of hands; and a listening ear. That isn’t limited to people who have used their uterus to create another person[...]

December 16, 2023|
How do we help doulas be successful?

How do we help doulas be successful? In our training programs, we start with a deep understanding about the social nature of birth and our connection to our bodies. From the first hour we work to connect doulas to this core wisdom. Your body will always be with[...]

August 22, 2023|
The Heart of the Doula

The Heart of the Doula In the realm of birth and maternal care, doulas play a unique and transformative role that extends far beyond the physical aspects of childbirth. “The Heart of the Doula,” authored by Dr. Amy Gilliland, intricately unravels the layers of this crucial role, offering[...]

August 22, 2023|
Why I wanted to be a Doulaing The Doula Doula

Why I wanted to be a Doulaing The Doula Doula By Shelby Gotcher, Certification Trainee, Sweetwater, Texas I decided I wanted to change my career, but I actually didn’t know what I wanted to do. And I went through multiple different things. I took a bunch of career[...]

August 22, 2023|
Meet Our Newest Certified Doula, Ashley Groth!

Meet Our Newest Certified Doula, Ashley Groth! Congratulations to our newest certified doula, Ashley Groth, of Cedarburg, Wisconsin! Ashley said her confidence grew with each of her six certifying births. With Amanda Echols as her Foundations Coach, Ashley was able to joyfully achieve her goals of having an[...]

August 17, 2023|
Exciting Changes for Doulaing The Doula

Exciting Changes for Doulaing The Doula What I’ve Been Up To: I’ve been working so hard these past few years, becoming a businesswoman as well as a curriculum author; and a team leader. These are things I’ve never done before. To launch Doulaing The Doula as a business[...]

August 17, 2023|
The Doula Training and Certification Programs Receives Grant

The Doula Training and Certification Programs Receives Grant Doulaing The Doula Training and Certification Programs is proud to announce they are the recipient of a Wisconsin Department of Health Services grant to mentor four doulas as birth doula trainers in our organization. We are excited to be able[...]

August 17, 2023|
