Birth Doula Training ONLINE

Sat10Feb8:00 AMSat5:00 PM8:00 AM - 5:00 PM(GMT-06:00) Birth Doula Training ONLINEOnline Interactive

Event Details

February 10, 17 and 24 (3 Saturdays between 8 am and 5 pm CST with Mandi Wagnild


Saturday February 10, 2024, 8:00 AM 8:00AM - 5:00PM(GMT-06:00)


Doula Trainer, Mandi Wagnild

Mandi Wagnild, IBCLC, CBD is Doulaing The Doula’s internationally based member of the online Doulaing The Doula Training Faculty. She owns Misawa Birth and Baby in Misawa, Japan. Mandi is also a Lamaze® Certified Childbirth Educator, Evidence Based Birth® Instructor, Spinning Babies® Parent Educator, and Certified Postpartum Doula.  Mandi’s passion as a ceaseless advocate for evidence-based care and patient rights is present in both her daily and professional life.

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