General Education

Provide More Well-Rounded Labor Support to the Ones You Love

At Doulaing The Doula, we believe that our Childbirth Course and Postpartum Course are powerful tools to help build your skills as you navigate supporting the pregnant people in your life. Whether you’re a partner to a birthing person, a friend, or a loved one, there are essential skills you can master to help make their pregnancy, labor, and recovery easier and more comfortable.

Doula General Education with Doulaing the Doula
Support Healthy Pregnancies with Doulaing the Doula Childbirth Course

Help Support Healthy Pregnancies with the DTD Childbirth Course

If you’re looking to provide the best support possible, our courses cover innovative topics like:

  • Technology used during pregnancy, including screening and diagnostic tests
  • Sexual and reproductive anatomy
  • Detailed explanations of how babies fit through pelvises
  • Relaxation techniques, comfort measures and positions
  • Induction, augmentation, and pain medications
  • Pleasurable birth
  • Birth from the baby’s perspective
  • Basics of infant mental health

Learn all of this and more through engaging learning activities, videos, and in-depth discussion during our DTD Childbirth Course.

Improve Your Journey as a Newborn Parent or Help Newborn Parents Adjust & Recover

Supporting birthing parents during pregnancy and labor is only part of their overall health journey. Adjusting to life with a newborn is complex, especially during birth recovery. There’s no part of your life that isn’t affected: it’s physical, mental, emotional, spiritual; it changes your identity, how you think about life, and how you see others.  Sometimes parents don’t bring home a baby, and don’t think of themselves as postpartum. Anytime a pregnancy ends, no matter how it ends, there’s a postpartum.

Whether you are preparing for your own post-birth experience or you want to support someone else, our Postpartum Course can help! The course is an online, self paced journey exploring these topics through learning activities, short lectures, and edutaining videos:

  • What’s Happening During Postpartum?
  • Physical recovery and the new parental brain
  • Psychological adjustment and emotional recovery
  • Postpartum grief, rage, mood disorders, and suicide prevention
  • Postpartum for partners, fathers, and non-gestational parents
  • Discovering baby – sleep, state, cues, feeding, temperament
  • Sexual intimacy, body image and genital self-image
  • Influences on recovery
  • Caring for families when the baby has died
  • Intentional diapering and bathing
  • Detailed activities, handouts to print, and strategies to support postpartum families
Improve the Newborn Parent Journey With Doula
Join Our Doulaing the Doula Book Club

Join Our DTD Book Club

Several times throughout the year, we offer a book club that covers key works on our essential doula reading list. Join aspiring and professional doulas and others from all around the state and country to read and review books covering topics like:

  • Perspectives on birth work and doulas
  • Stillbirth, loss and grief
  • Politics of birth
  • Black health, midwifery and motherhood
  • The postpartum experience
  • Sexually marginalized people / queer birth and parenting

Join Our Advanced Learning Community

Are you interested in learning more about navigating the pregnant experience or supporting birthing people? Dr. Amy Gilliland, a foremost leader in Doula education and training has developed a series of additional courses covering a wide span of topics, with new course coming out yearly. For a single annual fee, you can join our Advanced Learning Community and get unlimited access to courses like:

Powerful Prenatal Relationships

Become the confident calm doula, nurse, family visitor or social worker who knows how to develop transformative relationships with pregnant clients. Increase your effectiveness with families through trauma informed & anti-racist approaches.

Recognizing the Previously Traumatized Person in Labor

How do you recognize whether a patient or client has previous trauma (PT)? What do you change in order to optimize their birth outcomes? Apply these strategies immediately after completing this one hour course! Return for the intriguing resources.

Your Social Brain

Our brains are designed for us to connect to others. Come on a journey with me where I show you how our social brains work and how to meet those needs – even in a virtual environment. Increase your social effectiveness by understanding your brain!

Check out our Course Calendar

Check Your Schedule!

Doulaing The Doula offers a wide range of courses and workshops throughout the year. Check out our course calendar to see what educational opportunities are waiting for you.

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